2017 – Present
PIF Research Fellow at the University of Seville
PhD Programme Art and Heritage. Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Seville.
Master in Art: Idea and Production, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Seville. 2014
Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, specialising in Painting.
Ware. Espacio Santa Clara, Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
Ware. Espacio Laraña, Seville
XLIX Salón de Otoño de 2018 de pintura del Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia Femenino, singular, arte y mujer. Espacio Santa Clara Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
Plan renove, Seville.
Hybrid Festival. Petit Palace Savoy Alfonso XII, Madrid.
Women, Art and Society. ARTSevilla Interlude. Chamber of Commerce, Seville. Looking at Murillo. Valentín de Madariaga Foundation, Seville. KAK. Espacio La Bañera, Seville.
Under35. Gacma Gallery, Malaga.
XI Ramón Muñoz Torres Painting Prize. Baena, Cordoba. XLVI International Landscape Painting Competition. Museum of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville.
Murillo and the Faculty of Fine Arts 400 years later. Espacio Santa Inés, Seville.
A Secas. Andalusian Artists of Today. Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art. ARTSevilla 17 – International Meeting of Contemporary Art. Santa Inés Space, Seville.
13th Paul Ricard Art Club Painting Prize. Espacio Laraña, Seville. XXXVIII City of Utrera Contemporary Art Competition, Seville.
Crea Sevilla ’16. 15th Contest for the creation of young artists. Espacio Turina, Seville. Art and Mental Health. 1st National Contest of Artistic Expression and Mental Health. Espacio Turina, Seville.
Something happier. Casa Bonita Space. Seville.
7 Virgins. A Cat on a Bicycle. Seville.
7 Virgins. The Flirtatious Mushroom. Seville.
12 Landscapes, one place. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. XLIII International Landscape Painting Competition. Museum of Alcalá de Guadaíra.
XII Alfonso Grosso Painting Prize.
III XMAS Group Show. El Butrón, Seville,
V Salon of the Vanities. El Carpio, Cordoba.
Escozor, exploring red. A Cat on a Bicycle. Seville.
Take Away. Espacio California, Seville.
Limestone. Intervention in the Museum of Lime in Morón. Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
XXVII ‘Miguel González Sandoval’ National Plastic Arts Competition. El Bailío” Exhibition Hall, Lora del Río.
Videocreation exhibition. I Contemporary Art Fair, Seville. II Altea Landscape Grant. Schlotter Foundation. Altea, Alicante.
X Years of fast painting in Morón. Casa de la Provincia de la Diputación. Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
H-013. Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville.
Penultimate recipe. Espacio Pasillo, Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville. C+C. Espacio Otra Cosa, Seville.
XLII International Landscape Painting Competition Alcalá de Guadaíra. Museum of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville.
La Caja: On the collective and chaos. Espacio Sótano 1 exhibition hall. Faculty of Fine Arts, Seville.
Relaxing Cup. Red House, Un Gato en Bicicleta, Diwap. Seville XLI International Landscape Painting Competition Alcalá de Guadaíra. Museum of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville.
IX Landscape Conference “Riberas del Guadaíra”. Museum of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville.
Morón, Landscape, Form and Colour. Fernando Villalón Foundation, Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
Montellano in the brushes. Exhibition Hall of the Municipal Library of Montellano, Seville.
Plastic Window. XIX Plastic Arts Exhibition of the city of Dos Hermanas, Seville.
III Conference of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Morón. Fernando Villalón Foundation, Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
Vending Art Machine. Hostel Lacajahabitada, Seville.
Snowfall. Antigua Biblioteca de Gines Exhibition Hall, Seville. What to do today. Espacio GB, Faculty of Fine Arts, Seville. Under the Light of Clara. Santa Clara Zafra Museum, Badajoz.
Emerging. WabiSabi Shop&Gallery, Seville.
Tours. Artist’s book. Complutense University of Madrid.
First Prize XLIX Salón de Otoño de 2018 of painting of the Ateneo Mercantil of Valencia
Curator of the exhibition Presente Discontinuo, Espacio Santa Clara de Morón de la Frontera
Finalist in Impulsarte, Hybrid Festival, Madrid.
Estúdio Magazine, Artistas Sobre Outras Obras. Issue 22. FBAUL, Lisbon. Congresso CSO: Criadores sobre outras obras. National Faculty of Fine Arts. Lisbon, Portugal (Paper).
First Prize Paul Ricard Art Club
Artist selected in A Secas, Artistas Andaluces de Ahora. Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art.
ICOCEP: International Congress on Contemporary European Painting. Faculty of Fine Arts of Oporto, Portugal (Paper).
PIF Grant, University of Seville
Prize for project in Projectarte: 1st Competition of artistic projects Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
Second prize in the XII Alfonso Grosso Painting Award.
Selection Networking young artists. I Contemporary Art Fair, Seville. II Paisaje Altea Grant. Schlotter Foundation. Altea, Alicante.
Relaxing Cup Suricatta Gallery Award.
Honourable Mention in the XLI International Landscape Painting Competition Alcalá de Guadaíra.
Ocio Creativo Award in the IX contest of Fast Painting Morón de la Frontera.
Work in the collection of the Asociación Cultural Ocio Creativo. Notebooks of Roldán.